The good news is that most symptoms of ADHD tend to get better with age but some of the symptoms can continue into adulthood. The over-activity usually gets less, but impulsivity, poor concentration and risk-taking can get worse. These can interfere with your work, learning and how you get on with other people.
Depression, anxiety feelings of low self-esteem and drug misuse are more common in adults with ADHD.
Diagnosing Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Hyperactivity Disorder can be difficult. As with most psychological conditions however, there are certain symptoms that remain common among most cases and a professional consultation is warranted.
Assessment for ADHD can be a lengthy process involving review of your childhood history and a detailed evaluation of your current functioning. It is important to rule out other possible mental or physical causes and to understand how your symptoms are affecting you before deciding whether ADHD treatment is needed. A diagnosis of ADHD will depend on your symptoms, how long they’ve been present and the impact they have.
Call Dr Balu to discuss your concerns and ask for an assessment. Often a simple intervention can make a huge difference to your day to day life. ADHD treatment can be just as much about finding better ways to stay organised or focused as it is about taking medication. Every person requires a unique approach to enable them to enjoy a fulfilling life and career.
Dr Balu can advise you in medical management of ADHD including use of stimulants and lifestyle modifications, nutritional balance and ADHD specific coaching.